How to Start a Program with a Graphical Interface in Full Screen at Boot on Raspberry Pi


I tried several configurations to start my Python application at boot, disabling the loading of other applications and the desktop manager. The following setup seems to work well:

  1. Disable Desktop Autologin

    Run `sudo raspi-config` and select Boot Options / B1 Desktop / Cli, then choose Console Autologin.

  2. Start startx in rc.local

    Edit rc.local using, for example, `sudo nano /etc/rc.local`.

    At the end of the file, before `exit 0`, add `startx &`.

  3. Configure xinitrc

    sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

    Comment out the following line:

    . /etc/X11/xsession

    Add the following line to start the openbox desktop manager:

    exec openbox-session
  4. Start your custom software in autostart

    sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart

    Add your script:

    /<path_to_your_script>/<script_name> &



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